Four tips to avoid job burnout

pexels-photo-52608Over the weekend I was in a fog, binge-watching “Game of Thrones”, when I remembered a warning from my mentor: beware job burnout. The advice came when I was just starting my career in media relations.

While that may not be the most ominous warning (“Winter is coming” is indisputably far more inauspicious), burning out does bear its own debilitating symptoms. A typical week for any public relations professional likely includes hundreds of emails, countless calls, looming deadlines and any number of (hopefully) small crises. As a young professional, I see many of my peers taking the “Be the first to arrive and last to leave” career advice touted on LinkedIn all too literally. What we have here is a Game of Drones: human beings locked in a fierce battle to prove who’s the best at autopilot-mode. It’s important to take care of yourself so that in turn you can also take better care of your clients. Below are tips to avoid job burnout.

Put. Your Phone. Down.
Constantly checking emails and Slack outside of regular business hours can take its toll on you – and your eyes. It’s important to unplug and focus on refreshing your energy so that when you do return to the office, you can prepare meaningful work. If you find your fingers itching for your mobile, download the Moment app to track and set limits on how much time you spend on your phone.

Seek out sunlight
Remember that really bright orb in the sky called the Sun? It went away for a few months during the winter but it’s finally back and you need to re-up on the vitamin D. A lack of sunlight can cause extended periods of fatigue and depression. Take a moment to stroll in the sun, just don’t forget to wear sunscreen.

Coffee makes the world, and meetings, go ‘round. Most Americans can attest to this since 83 percent of adults in the US drink coffee. Though great for keeping you energized throughout your conference calls, too much caffeine can also dehydrate and overstimulate you. Drink some water instead, you’ll sleep better.

Revisit thing you enjoyed as a child
You know what they say, you don’t grow older, you grow wiser. The kid you used to be, the one that found unparalleled joy in board games, crafts and outdoor activities is still inside of you. Revisiting activities you previously relished can relax you more than you realize. In fact, I’ve recently taken up adult coloring and not only is it comforting, I find myself thinking more abstractly as I create for my clients.

How do you avoid job burnout? Leave a comment or tweet us, @Rosecomm

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