Establish CafeMom as the go-to source for community and content for moms.
Fresh Perspective:
- Shift the PR effort from reactive to proactive and garner strategic consumer and business-focused media attention
- Educate advertisers and tech influencers about CafeMom’s value and dominance
- Hook to trends, events, breaking news and newsworthy initiatives to drive coverage

Authentic Approach
- Raised awareness of Moms Matter, a nonpartisan platform to inform and empower moms
- Tie to timely angles, such as Mother’s Day by creating ownable, newsworthy research
- Drove interest in CafeMom’s YouTube channel, CafeMom Studios, by packaging stories about programming, including Suzanne Somers’ “Breaking Through,” Andrew Shue’s “Coffee Shop Confessions” and “On Broadway with Kids” featuring the Mama Mia cast
- Promoted the provocative content and expert editors from CafeMom’s The Stir
- Launched MamásLatinas, one of the strongest online communities for Hispanic moms

Meaningful Impact
- Secured 370 placements – more than 665 million impressions
- Landed a significant Associated Press feature, “Mother’s Day Don’ts”
- Garnered an AdWeek feature on Mamás Latinas and coverage of CafeMom’s research
- Placed an in-depth profile of a top CafeMom executive in Fast Company
- Secured Moms Matter mentions in outlets ranging from USA Today and The Washington Post to CNN and The Colbert Report and an op-ed in The Huffington Post
- Generated CafeMom Studios’ program coverage in top dailies and websites such as Yahoo! OMG (lead story of the day)