I switched up my usual activities on a recent Friday night — I traded in happy hour for a TEDxHobokenSalon event at the Hoboken Historical Museum. TED is all about…
I switched up my usual activities on a recent Friday night — I traded in happy hour for a TEDxHobokenSalon event at the Hoboken Historical Museum. TED is all about…
I stumbled upon Susan Spencer-Wendel’s memoir “Until I Say Goodbye” while browsing new bestsellers on my iPad, to see if there was something to tide me over until my next book club…
Last week I took my first vacation since joining Rose Communications. My bucket list includes visiting as many, if not every, baseball stadium in the county, so with that in…
As a young, single non-mother at the largest conference for female bloggers, I definitely felt like a fish out of water. BlogHer does a great job at creating a positive environment for moms who blog. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a gaping hole for those looking to connect with other twenty-somethings who write about dating or finding a job after college or trying to become financially independent.
Have you noticed that some conferences and brands still struggle to engage the “non-mom” blogger?
Dear Hoboken, When I met you almost exactly 12 years ago, I had no idea how long our affair would last. I was single, 28 and considering a job in…