We believe one of the best practices of thought leaders is to keep good company. Successful thought leaders surround themselves with people and organizations whose success will support their own. “Good company” often comes in two forms: satisfied, evangelical customers and third-party industry icons. Both are critical to effective thought leadership and sometimes those attributes are found in one person.
Over the last several months, we cultivated such an opportunity for our client Lucite International, makers of LuciteLux®, the material used in many facets of architecture and design. Internationally recognized jewelry designer Alexis Bittar is among the most passionate advocates for the material and its use in everything from jewelry and visual merchandising to furniture and architecture. This year, Bittar is celebrating his 25th anniversary, and Lucite International was honored to play a part in the festivities last night at his New York Fashion Week presentation.

In addition to garnering exposure in the overwhelming media coverage of this event, we facilitated the donation of LuciteLux® material for art pieces commissioned by Bittar that were auctioned off at the event. LuciteLux® was also part of the set design.

Aligning LuciteLux® with a celebrated designer who genuinely adores the material helps others see its limitless potential in a way we couldn’t do on our own. Have you thought about the company you keep and what it says about your brand?