I chair the communications committee of a local nonprofit. At a recent board meeting, I was presenting ideas for supporting our current fundraising campaign. While sharing some analytics about which…
I chair the communications committee of a local nonprofit. At a recent board meeting, I was presenting ideas for supporting our current fundraising campaign. While sharing some analytics about which…
Spend even a few minutes on social media and your feed will likely be full of people enjoying summer travel. The COVID-19 pandemic created a lot of pent-up demand and…
“I’m a writer, not a choreographer.” That’s what I would say when anyone would ask me to volunteer to be a skit director in my kids’ elementary school show. The…
Last week, I had the good fortune to attend Social Media Week (now owned by AdWeek), held in person for the first time since 2019. Every presenter shared their “key…
Learn the 5 best practices of digital opinion leaders in the healthcare industry.