Reflections of Young, Single, Non-Mother at BlogHer 2012

As a young, single non-mother at the largest conference for female bloggers, I definitely felt like a fish out of water. BlogHer does a great job at creating a positive environment for moms who blog. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a gaping hole for those looking to connect with other twenty-somethings who write about dating or finding a job after college or trying to become financially independent.

Have you noticed that some conferences and brands still struggle to engage the “non-mom” blogger?

A Look Inside a Journalist’s Inbox

Last week I attended my first event for PRSA-NY as part of their “Meet the Media” series. I was looking forward to hearing what a panel of technology journalists had to say about their experiences with PR people, especially their biggest complaints. I figured I might as well learn what they hate now, instead of ten years into my career.