10 predictions for 2016

2016 It’s the time of year when thoughts turn to the future. And so, in the RoseComm tradition, here are our 10 predictions for 2016 made with brand marketers and communicators in mind. Please add yours at the end of the post. Happy New Year!



1. More Community-Seeking

Let’s face it. The world is in strife and it’s in these times that people turn to each other for comfort and support. Look for ways to bring people together both online and in the real world.

2. Less Consumerism

The shared economy, the rise of spirituality, and the diminished economic prospects of the 99% call for a new way of defining what is valuable. Consumer brands need to adopt a “less is more” sensibility and dig deeper to connect on what is most meaningful.

3. A Resurgence of Journalism

The economic models are more entrepreneurial with grants from foundations and crowdsourcing as greater sources of funding, but longer-form journalism and thoughtfully reported stories are finding their audience in a world of clickbait.

4. Everyone’s an Entrepreneur

There is no more security blanket. Whether you’re an employee or a freelancer, more than ever, your employment and security are up to you. The ability to work from anywhere at anytime is freeing, yet can also lead to isolation. Look for co-working spaces to grow in popularity outside urban areas.

5. A New TV Ecosystem

Live-streaming hit the scene this year and Apple named Periscope its app of the year. It won’t replace television overnight, but live audience engagement is here to stay. This is a great opportunity for brands that know how to produce useful, entertaining content.

6. Comeback of Print

We don’t mean a return to the five-pound Sunday New York Times, but digital-only media properties are finding value in also having a high-quality physical presence. Sales of physical books are once again on the rise. The ability to touch and feel is a novelty to a generation weaned on wireless.

7. Real-World Experience

It’s experiences, not things, that people are craving. Deliver on that and you will tap a need.

8. Data Takes Its Place

For more than a generation, we’ve spoken of the Internet’s promise of personalization and yet the best we’ve seen is retargeting of ads based on things we’ve already done. Marketing automation systems will overtake adtech in delivering on promised relevance – via many channels – including mobile and email.

9. Privacy Becomes Important

People will wake up to the realization they have ceded their privacy through the Internet of Things, apps and social media. The U.S. will follow the lead of the EU and seek to limit how and where this data can be employed by marketers — or at least restore control to the consumer. Study what’s happening overseas and set yourself up to be compliant when the inevitable happens.

10. The Jets Will Go to the Super Bowl

Our office has divided loyalties, but this author has been a Jet fan since the glory days of Joe Willie Namath. You gotta believe!

One thing’s for sure: We’ll be here in 2016 to help you interpret what all of this means for you.



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